
Signature Sheet

Signature Sheet- I meet with Doug, Tony, Melanie, and Sigrid.

Dark Horse Wine Project Sheet.

Strangers on a Train Project Sheet.

Steak Ninja Project Sheet.

KY Jelly Ad Campaign Project Sheet.

Marilyn Monroe Project Sheet.


Doug suggested that with my Steak Ninja project I show some work without the crosshair handle bar in my process book. He didn't like my Strangers on a Train typography music video. He said it was slow, boring, and didn't showcase anything of me, only what the program can do. Doug liked my Marilyn Monroe typography video, though. He suggested I try to make it sexier. As far as my KY Jelly Ad Campaign, Doug hated it. He said I was misdirected in art direction and he doesn't understand at all what I've done with it. He thinks it makes my work look uncreative and boring. The only critique he had for my Dark Horse was to grunge up the type.


Melanie liked my Dark Horse wine branding. She suggested that I actually create the bottle so I could take better photos to show. She also wanted me to mock up the parallax website. Melanie liked both my Marilyn Monroe and Strangers on a Train video. She wanted me to make sure overheard is one word and not two and she caught a terrible typo. She loved my KY Jelly Ad Campaign. She wants me to create a tradebooth or a parade float for it. She thinks that it would be great if I could get sachets manufactured. She wanted me to build out at least 2 physical packaging items that I can show.

Sigrid didn't have much critique for my Dark Horse Wine branding. She suggested that I change the envelope size for the stationery mock up. She also wants me to right align numbers in all of my projects and table of contents. She liked the idea of making sachets for the KY Jelly Ad Campaign. She wasn't sure of the three words at first, she felt that kinky and lucky fit together but silky didn't. After explaining the target audience for the specific silky ad, she agreed that it worked. Sigrid really liked both the Marilyn Monroe and the Strangers on a Train videos. She found them to be fun and well done. She suggested that for Steak Ninja I show an example of how I would have kerned the logo (the K needs to be opened).

Tony really wanted me to create the physical bottle for Dark Horse wine as well as the gift box packaging. He suggested to get the desired effect of a matte bottle with a shiny logo I use sand blasting. He wanted to emphasize the importance of having a mocked up website for Dark Horse. He didn't have much to say about Marilyn Monroe or Strangers on a Train. Tony suggested that I create some sort of meta data back end ideas with the My Moodboard App. He wants the app to create hashtags so that mood boards can be searchable. As far as the KY Jelly Campaign, Tony suggested I create a web banner ad with Adobe edge. He also liked the idea of doing a tradebooth and sample packets. I showed Tony my potential Smoking PSA Ad Campaign. He really liked the imagery and suggested I make it the hero and make the information much smaller so the images can draw the client in. He thought both the mobile and the pacifier were the most successful photos and that the teddy bear was a bit lacking in comparison. 

Artifact Ideas


Portfolio Timeline


Establish projects for panel
Establish projects for website
Collect projects

Meet with Tony to discuss projects
Start website
Select theme/template or muse
Work on Darkhorse website mock up

Meet with Melanie to discuss projects
Meet with Nathan to discuss projects
Artifact sketches due
Start laying out process book

Meet with Doug to discuss projects
Finish website
Signature sheet due
Job packet for Rene due
Marilyn & Strangers projects completed

Present Steak Ninja & My Moodboard to Melanie for signature
Present Marilyn and Strangers to Nathan for signature
Work on KY Ad campaign 
Preliminary mock up of artifact due
Work on personal identity
Business card

Begin work on senior project
Update menu/action upon food received 
Personal identity prints ordered

Meet with Tony/Melanie for sign off on Dark Horse and KY ad campaign
Meet with Doug
Continue progress on senior project
Grey Scale Process book
Designed CD due

Artifact due
Signature sheet due
Projects finalized

Finalized website with all projects/photos up
Send Scott progress of process book

Have all printed materials gathered
Business card
Project Books
Mounted prints
Final process book due
Artifacts ready
Prepare for panel presentation



If you could be anyone that you wanted, who would it be? This question is not one that haunts me often. I'm quite pleased with who I am and the direction I'm heading in. However, for the sake of this class and this blog post, I'll pretend I ponder this. 

During Career Development, we were required to set up informational interviews to attend to learn about the "real life" graphic design field. Possibly my most memorable meeting was with Jennifer, or Jenn, Stewart. She and Gage Mitchell were the soul designers and owners of Modern Species Graphic Design Firm. I set up a group interview with Gage and Jenn but they suggested I also do a personal interview and bring them some projects to see. 

I brought a few projects and showed them during the interview as I would if I were interviewing for a job. They enjoyed my presentation and offered good advice for future interviews. After I finished showing my work they showed me some of their projects.

Modern Species specializes in working green and sustainable. Both Gage and Jennifer have an intense love for the environment and prefer to leave less of a footprint where possible. Their clients are brands that I am familiar with (So Delicious, Craft Beer Week, etc). 

Before Jenn joined Gage in the graphic design endeavor she was a copy writer. I've always been interested and passionate about writing. One of my favorite things about design is having the ability to create clever tag lines and change/write body copy. 

Jenn and Gage are both active in AIGA. They are a happy team in their business and private lives. I look up to both of them for their views on sustainability, design, and love-business balance. For these reasons, if I had to be someone else, I would choose to be Jennifer Stewart, the mostly vegetairian with a penchant for sweet things.