
unit seven reading


What The Heck Is Responsive Design Anyway?
This was a really cool and informative website. What I love the most about it, though, was that it did what it was explaining. It pretty much follows the basic rule of graphic design, which is if you have to explain it, it has likely failed.
Before reading this website, I already knew what responsive design was. In taking my classes backwards, I have also already learned how to code for responsive design. It might not be pretty, but it actually makes a lot of sense. My best advice is to utilize your rusty math skills. The way that responsive websites are coded is through a system of percentages. One of the coolest parts about responsive design is that it's all coded in the same document, so stylistically you aren't changing much, just sizes.
Okay, back to the article. Responsive design literally responds to its environment. If you take a browser window and shrink it, a responsive site will rearrange items to fit better depending on the size of the browser. Why is this important? We have become the land of many sizes, from tablets, to phones, to computer screens. Wouldn't it be nice if your site looked just how you wanted it to from any of those platforms? Responsive design helps showcase your website the right way from many different platforms. It is important to consider time and money, browser support, performance  content and app versus website when thinking about responsive design. Responsive designing really is the future of web design. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by minimizing it's importance.

The Importance Of Responsive Design
One Website to Serve Them All
2013- The Year Of Responsive Web Design
Responsive Tester *** Really cool way to check your own page
Awesome Examples of Responsive Design

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